What we do
We turn our ideas into real brands so that can truly show the potential of waste streams. Innowastion is mainly focused on Research and Development so whenever we have created a new product, we give it its own brand. All the products we create have in common that they focus on the food sector. We take waste streams in which we see potential and turn them into new food products. Below you can find the brands in our portfolio.

Pieke - Broodbier
Pieke – Broodbier is the first product of Innowastion to reach the market stage. We started researching the possibility to make beer with unsold bread in early 2018 and introduced our first beer in that same year. Pieke – Broodbier is a beer brand that has beers in its collection that are all made with unsold bread. Part of the traditional ingredient, malt, is substituted with the unsold bread that we collect from local businesses. We started this beer brand to give bread waste a value as bread is the most wasted food product in the Netherlands.
To learn more about this amazing beer check out their website:
More coming soon
We are always developing new products at Innowastion. Keep an eye on our website to see which product will hit the market next.
We Inspire
Besides developing products and bringing them to market, we aim to inspire people along the way.
Our goal is to inspire others to take action too – only together we can create a system change. We inspire through giving talks and workshops on various topics, but all with the common denominator that we should challenge how things are done nowadays.
We like to share our story, talk about the things we learned, discuss the mission we have, and co-create with others.
Through our journey we constantly need to make choices that will decide what kind of a company we are. We strive to stay as close to your mission as possible and question everything. We like to engage in discussions about new business models for change, what it means to combine business and a sustainable mission, and about how small steps do matter.
If you would like to learn more about how we can inspire you, please reach out to us.

"We imagine how the world should be, not as it is"
Laura Nieboer – Founder Innowastion